Tenley (age 10)

I live in Leesburg, Va with my parents Carl, and Jeannie, my two brothers Bennett and Jackson, and our two dogs Hoop de Doo and Janeway. They are actually my brother Jackson’s service dogs. I like art, playing soccer, styling my doll’s hair, and singing in my room by myself. I have taken piano lessons in the past but I want to learn how to play the guitar. When I grow up I hope to help expand the LGS Foundation and find a cure for my brother Jackson.
My brother Jackson is eleven years old and he has LGS. Sometimes being a special needs sibling can be hard, because there are some things you don’t get to do that other kids get to.
But Jackson is so much fun to be around. He is always smiling and makes people happy. Some of our favorite things to do are to play in the basement playroom, say silly names, and laugh together.
If I could tell another special needs sibling one thing, it would be to enjoy every moment you have with your special sibling.