Request Information & Materials

Looking for information, materials, and/or resources for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome? Then you have come to the right place.

The LGS Foundation is committed to providing a wealth of information for LGS caregivers, families, and professionals. We believe that everyone should have access to the latest and best information available.

Digital Resources & Materials (for Download)

Adult C.A.R.E Binder

The C.A.R.E (Caring for Adults with Rare Epilepsy) Guide is an interactive, fillable PDF resource designed to assist families in planning long-term adult care for individuals with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS).

Download the C.A.R.E Binder

“What is LGS” Info Cards

These cards provide a unique way to share your personal LGS story with those who want to know, but don’t want to ask. The cards are easy to customize and share LGS facts with a personal touch.


Personalize and Download Now 

Download in Spanish

LGS Fact Sheet 

Like many rare conditions, LGS can be a complete mystery when you first hear about it. Download our LGS Fact Sheet to get a thorough understanding of its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and how LGS changes overtime.

Download the LGS Fact Sheet 

Download in Spanish 

Request Information & Materials (to be mailed)

New Family Welcome Kits

Newly diagnosed with LGS or new to the LGS Foundation, and need up-to-date information? Order your kit today to learn more about the LGS Foundation, our programs, and support services.

About LGS Treatments Kits

These kits are for families who are considering “what’s next” in treatment. This comprehensive kit contains information on current treatments, clinical trials, and tips on maximizing your time with your loved one’s healthcare team.

VIP Caregiver & Sibling Kits

Living with a chronic illness impacts everyone in the family. Thanks to continued collaboration with UCB and other rare epilepsy advocacy groups, we now provide resources to support siblings and caregivers.

LGS Trick or Treat Cards

Order your LGS Trick or Treat cards and spread awareness around Halloween. Available in sets of 15, while supplies last.

Everyday Cards

Looking for a unique way to introduce your LGS loved one? Carry these conversation cards to start a conversation about LGS. Available in sets of 15, while supplies last.

Updated 10/25/24 (KK)