Tricia Proefrock
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
I am a happily married mom of two wonderful boys, the youngest of whom was diagnosed with LGS at age 3. Mason is 100% reliant on others for every area of life, and has no self care abilities. He is nonverbal as well as physically and intellectually disabled. Yet- he has made our lives so much sweeter and he has changed me in the most meaningful ways!
Caring for my family and Working as a teacher assistant for prek – 3 year olds keeps me very busy, but in my spare time my passions are volunteering with the foundation, learning to speak Swedish, home-making, reading, and taking trips to Disney.
I believe our journey as caregivers requires receiving all the support we can get, and provides us with a wonderful opportunity to be a source of support for others. Community is everything- and I’m honored to be a part of the LGS Foundation team!