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Josie’s Story

Every mother will say their child is special. But my sweet Josie truly is. She is the definition of a warrior.

My name is Zoe Rabun and I am the mother to our beautiful daughter, Josie Rabun (3). We first noticed unusual behavior with Josie at the age of 9 months. She would wake up in her sleep and have these…


In Memory of Aidan Nichols Long

4/17/2004 - 1/14/2021

Aidan was born in Kalispell, Montana in 2004 and was a healthy, curious and very talkative little boy. He grew up loving the Montana way of life. He enjoyed camping, canoeing, collecting insects and fishing with dad. He loved books,…


In Memory of Brian Jason Roedl

6/26/1973 - 12/16/2016

Brian was the oldest of our three sons. He began having petit mal seizures (head drops) at 9 months old. On the day of his first MMR vaccination, he encountered his first tonic-clonic seizure. It lasted approximately 15 minutes. Until…


In Memory of Matthew Leavens

9/16/1995 - 9/13/2013

Matthew’s spirit lives on today through having touched many lives in his almost 18 years. I noticed Matt’s seizures, which presented as stretching episodes, on our first day home from the hospital. After two months of the pediatrician telling me…



Eli was born in the summer of 2003 at 34 ½ weeks old. He spent 7 days in the NICU due to a ventricular septal wall defect. By 3 months of age, it was evident that he was not meeting…


Help Solve the Mystery of LGS

Epilepsy Awareness Month Focuses on Solving the Mystery of LGS and Other Rare Epilepsies

International LGS Awareness Day brought together thousands of people around the world to show that the challenges associated with LGS are tough, but so are those affected by this rare disease. This also kicked off Epilepsy Awareness Month – we…


Two Peas in a Pod

A Sister's Special Bond

My sister, Robyn, and I are 4 1/2 years apart. We are like any other sisters…we share laughs, tears, and yes, we even argue! What sets us apart is our special bond. From the moment I saw my sister in…


A Sister’s Love

Songs Inspired by her Brother Help Raise Awareness of LGS 

On November 1, local artists and LGS community members joined the LGS Foundation in Santa Monica, California to help raise awareness and funds for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Meet the Artist: Christina Apostolopulos Hi, my name is Christina and my younger brother…


Cash’s LGS Journey

Celebrating 100 Days of Seizure Freedom

Cash is the youngest of our three boys. He is the light of our lives and here to teach lessons to all of us.  Cash started having seizures when he was 3 weeks old. These were easily controlled with medications….


Fenfluramine (Fintepla)

New Treatment for Seizures in LGS

What is Fenfluramine? LGS is tough. Finding information shouldn’t be. That is why we provide information about this and other medications often used in LGS. We hope you find this information useful as you navigate your LGS journey. Fenfluramine (the…
