What is Infantile Spasms awareness week (ISAW)?
Infantile Spasms Awareness Week (ISAW) is held annually on December 1-7 to raise awareness of Infantile Spasms (IS).
ISAW is hosted by the Infantile Spasms Action Network (ISAN), a group of more than 30 international organizations dedicated to stopping IS.
Together We Can STOP IS!
What Are Infantile Spasms?
Infantile Spasms (IS) are a medical emergency. Infantile spasms are a rare, but very serious type of seizure. A condition in a baby’s brain causes infantile spasms, which include repetitive yet often subtle movements—such as jerking of the mid-section, dropping of the head, raising of the arms, or wide-eyed blinks. Doctors can misdiagnose IS as colic, reflux, or a startle reflex.
Watch this video to see what IS may look like:
What is the relationship between iS and LGS?
IS can precede LGS in 30% of cases. Learn more here.
what is the STOP Infantile Spasms mnemonic?
During ISAW 2017, the Infantile Spasms Action Network (ISAN) introduced the STOP Infantile Spasms mnemonic. With the mnemonic as the centerpiece for 2017 awareness, we reached over 195 million due to the collective efforts of ISAN. The mnemonic expands in its reach every year.
This helpful mnemonic tool—a memorable acronym—calls to mind “STOP Infantile Spasms:
- See the signs: Clusters of sudden, repeated, uncontrolled movements like head bobs or body crunching.
- Take a video: Record the symptoms and talk to your doctor immediately.
- Obtain diagnosis: Confirm an irregular brain wave pattern with an EEG test.
- Prioritize treatment: End spasms to minimize developmental delays
Know the signs to ‘STOP’ Infantile Spasms. Identifying spasms is critical for parents, caregivers, and providers.

Learn more by watching this important video:
Helpful Links:
The LGS Foundation is a proud member of the Infantile Spasms Action Network (ISAN) – a collaborative network of 30+ national and international entities dedicated to raising awareness of infantile spasms (IS). Together We Can STOP IS!
Updated 01/27/25 (KK)