About LGS Treatments Kits

About LGS Treatments Kits are for families who are considering “What’s Next” in treatment.

This comprehensive kit contains information on current treatments, clinical trials, and tips on maximizing your time with your loved one’s healthcare team. Please note that given the comprehensive nature of this kit, it might be overwhelming to some. Please take your time reading through all the materials, come back to them as many times as you need to, and know you are not alone. We are here if you have any questions. 

*Due to high postage costs, kits are available for U.S. residents only at this time, but many materials may be downloaded below.*

Download the About LGS Treatments Kit 

*If requesting a kit be mailed to you, one per household, please*

Kit Contents Include:

About LGS Treatments Kits are made available to LGS Families at no charge, thanks to support by our partners at:

Updated 08/21/24 (AM)