Find a Doctor
Are you looking to find a doctor who knows about LGS? Check out our list below.
Professionals listed on this site to help you find a doctor have treated patients with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and/or related disorders and have been recommended by LGS families in our community of support.
Don’t see a doctor in your area, try looking here:
Find an Epileptologist in Your State with webmd
Do you want to find a Comprehensive Epilepsy Center? Check out our page here:
find a comprehensive epilepsy center
Do you know a good doctor who knows about LGS? Patient-families can recommend them here:
Disclaimer: Not all of the doctors and other professionals listed on this site have the same treatment approach. We urge you to ask specific questions regarding training and experience before seeking treatment. Your decision to select a particular health care provider and/or treatment option is yours alone, and the LGS Foundation bears no responsibility for the care provided by any professional listed on this site or for the outcome of any treatment option you may select.
Criteria: Professionals listed on this site have treated patients with LGS and/or related disorders and their patients’ families have recommended them. We will add all recommended providers to the list. If a recommendation is withdrawn or LGS receives complaints about a professional, LGS Foundation may remove them from the site. If you are a physician and want someone to add you to this list, please ask one of your patient families to recommend you.
Updated 03/07/25 (AM)