Sibling Spotlight

William (age 10)

My name is William and I am 10 years old. I am in the 5th grade and enjoy school. I like video games, drawing, and geography.

I live in Florida with my Dad Craig, Mom Kayleigh, Brother Dylan, and two boxers, Scooby and Daphne.

Dylan is 16 years old and he has LGS. My brother and I like to play together, mess around being silly, and laugh. My favorite thing about Dylan is that he never gives up. He is always cheerful and loves being helpful. He also enjoys superheroes which is cool.

When I get older I would like to travel. I want to explore every state in the US. I also want to travel to see other countries like France, Nigeria, and Mexico.

If I could tell another special needs sibling one thing, it would be that having a brother like Dylan can sometimes be chaos, but it is also rewarding.

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Updated 09/17/24 (KK)