Join Our Support Communities & Support Groups

Looking for support? Meet thousands of others who understand what it is like to live with lGS. You’re Not Alone.

The LGS Foundation moderates several social network groups for those affected by LGS. Get the emotional support you need from others in similar circumstances, and gain practical advice and insights on managing treatments or therapies for LGS. Our network allows families to truly connect, make real friendships, and share daily ups and downs in a judgment-free place.

Global Caregiver Support Community

This is the LGS Foundation’s main online, private family support community and has over 6,500 members. Primary caregivers of loved ones with LGS may join this group and ask questions and seek support from other caregivers who are navigating the LGS journey. This group is only for LGS caregivers.

Join the LGS Global Online Caregiver Support Community

Regional Caregiver Communities

The LGS Foundation also understands the importance of making local connections with other caregivers. With the help of our LGS Family Ambassadors, we have created local/state/regional online support communities for families to connect and share local resources.

Click on the link above in the map to connect with a local caregiver online community in your area. This group is only for LGS caregivers.

LGS Support Groups

In addition to our online support communities, the LGS Foundation co-hosts several online support groups. These monthly support groups are only available to LGS caregivers who are members of the LGS Foundation’s Online Family Support Community.

Support Group Meeting Dates

For more information about support communities or support groups, please email

Updated 10/24/24 (KK)