Cure LGS 365 Research Grants

Apply for an lGS Research Grant 365 days a year

The LGS Foundation accepts unsolicited proposals year-round to seed new basic, translational, and clinical research projects on LGS.

Projects may be funded at the $25,000, $50,000, or $75,000 level. Projects may be on any novel topic in LGS but must be directly relevant to LGS, which is characterized by specific seizure types and hallmark EEG features.

LGS Foundation’s priority areas for 2025 and moving forward are sleep, expressive communication, and EEG network evolution to LGS.

Please submit a short (up to two pages) letter of intent to outlining your project, timeline, and a rough budget.

There are no deadlines for submission. Proposals will be reviewed quickly by our Medical Science Advisory Council, Patient Family Advisory Council, and Ad-Hoc Scientific Reviewers. Invitations to submit a full proposal will be extended within approximately 2-3 weeks.

Note: the LGS Foundation works very hard to review grants according to the review timeline above, but some things, such as the time it takes to find ad hoc reviewers, reviewer travel, etc., are beyond our control. We will let you know if we think your application might be delayed. Thank you.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.


Learn more about our Grant Recipients Here

Updated 08/26/24 (KK)